What's In Your Closet Feature Image

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What’s in your Closet?

It’s that time of year. What’s in your closet?

I am sure we are all familiar with the Capital One commercial campaign, “What’s in Your Wallet?” This slogan is conveying a poignant question. Do you know what is in your wallet? Do you know what is working and not working for you? It asks us to stop, take a moment and reflect before continuing onward. This can be applied to many facets of our lives, but this month we’re going to look at “What’s in your (metaphorical) closet?”

Ah, the metaphorical closet. There’s probably a lot in there. I know there is a lot in mine. When we have something tangible that helps us visualize, the connection becomes more concrete. So imagining a closet that houses your mindsets and habits helps create comprehension and understanding to take inventory of what is holding you back or moving you forward.

What are you waking up to every day and putting on? Are you putting on mindsets or habits that are no longer working for you? Are you going back to what’s familiar or comfortable but perhaps, no longer fits or enhances who you are?

What can it look like to clean out our metaphorical closet? I follow the same system I use for cleaning out my actual closet:  Keep – Give – Toss. I usually have clients use three separate sheets labeled with these three headings.


As you peruse your closet, what is serving you well? A great question to ask yourself, “What am I putting on today?” Are you putting on a positive mindset? Are you putting on a healthy habit? Are you clothing yourself with choices that yield long term benefits or are you trying to fit into something that is no longer the right size for you? Take an inventory and keep those things that enhance, flatter, fit well and bring out the best in you!


What is something you have experienced, learned or gleaned that it may be time to give to someone else? Have you walked through a tough situation or season and come out on the other side with more clarity, confidence or appreciation? In Coaching, I like to encourage my client to give what they get. Meaning, if you have received personal awareness or learned something invaluable, give it away so others can be blessed and reap the benefits.


This can sometimes be the hardest part because we tend to hold on to the pieces we are comfortable with and accustomed to even if they aren’t what’s best. Ever notice how it is hard to walk away from eating unhealthy foods or maybe negative thought patterns? Just like our favorite t-shirt, you know the ones with the holes and stains, weathers over time so do unhealthy mindsets and habits that we keep putting on each day. Make the decision and let it go if it is no longer serving you in a beneficial way.

It was late summer, early fall when I began cleaning out my parent’s home. My mom had passed away earlier in the year and sadly, we had recently moved my dad into assisted living when it became apparent he could no longer live on his own or with us. Walking into their empty house where life used to fill the space and now silence. Sunlight streaming through the windows catching the dusty build-up on the furniture. My dad’s newspapers neatly resting on the side table next to his glasses where just weeks prior he’d been sitting reading as was his daily routine. On the refrigerator were notes written in my mom’s sweet handwriting affixed with cutesy magnets only my mom could love. How do you reconcile a person’s life by sorting, sifting, disposing, giving away and boxing up all they had accumulated throughout the years?

I don’t share this story to sadden you. I share this story with you because I want you to live your life fully, be present and intentional. Taking time to reflect on what is in your metaphorical closet is a way to check-in with your heart, mind and priorities. We get one amazing life. What’s in your closet?

Picture of Sandi Humenik

Sandi Humenik

People are my passion. After 20 years in the design industry, helping people transform their spaces, I created a bridge to help the next generation transform their lives. 

I love Coaching. It is an honor and privilege. My clients say I am funny, kind and approachable. My clients are the best!

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Sandi with sparkler
hi, i'm sandi

People are my passion. After 20 years in the design industry, helping people transform their spaces, I created a bridge to help the next generation transform their lives.

I love Coaching. It is an honor and privilege. My clients say I am funny, kind and approachable. My clients are the best!

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