It's POSSIBLE to design the life you want to live.

Are you experiencing time management challenges, anxiety, trouble making decisions, lack of self-confidence or motivation? Does this leave you feeling fearful, hopeless and helpless to move forward?

You can change it. It’s possible.

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What's happening?

Do you want more clarity, connection, confidence, direction, motivation, or purpose?

Do you want to create a plan and live a fulfilling life?

Then, let’s work together. Together we will find the space and grace where you can grow.

My 1:1 Coaching Program and Design Framework was created just for you.

1:1 Coaching Program

Want to work with me one-on-one? I offer a variety of Coaching options. Read a short summary on a couple of my options and click the button to book your discovery call.

Let’s chat!

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Coaching Examples

Coaching Example 1

Cozy study area.
Comfy knits and candles.

Coaching Example 2

Coaching Example 3 

Tea, a good book, and of course, a candle.
Sandi writing in journal on couch

The design framework

Join me for a fun and fulfilling 6 week course. This course will take you through the entire Framework, from start to sustainable.

NEXT COURSE is coming FALL 2024!

Hey, see how easy it is to work with me.


BOOK a discovery call. Let’s chat.


CHOOSE a Coaching Package that works for you.


BEGIN the coaching journey just for you.

are you ready to choose
to be empowered?

let's go with yes!

Kind Words from Clients.